Saturday, June 19, 2010

Accord V6 Supercharger Installation Instructions
1 Accord V6 Supercharger Installation Instructions (1998-2002) INS-094 10.2.2002 VERSION: 4717 GOLDEN FOOTHILL BLVD • EL DORADO HILLS, CA 95762 • 916.933.1080 • FAX 916.939.9196 • • M-F 8:00 AM—5:00 PM PST Thank you for purchasing the Comptech Supercharger kit for the 1998-2002 Honda Accord V6. All components have been designed and manufactured utilizing the latest in technology and materials. Please take a moment to read this instruction manual and warranty information page thoroughly before starting any work. Comptech recommends the use of a Genuine 1998-2002 Honda Accord Service Manual and the Genuine 1998-2002 Honda Accord V6 Supplemental Service Manual to supplement these instructions. All Comptech products are intended to be installed by a professional installer. Many stock parts are reused during installation. Do not damage or discard any pieces during disassembly or installation. We recommend marking any hose or wire before disconnecting to avoid confusion during reassembly. Remember to always use jackstands to support the vehicle when a car lift is not available. Always work in a clean environment and use the appropriate safety equipment and tools to avoid any potential damage or injuries. **Before starting, Comptech recommends locating the radio code for your particular vehicle and write down the frequencies for the radios preset buttons, so that the radio can be reactivated and restored after completion of this installation. Comptech highly recommends the use of the Comptech Transmission Cooler Kit and Redline Hig ...
